Getting ready to break new ground?
Understand how heritage management laws apply to you in your sector.
Understand how heritage management laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) apply to you in your sector.
Chronicle Heritage is trained, informed, and up to date on the acts and regulations governing cultural and heritage management including:
- National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
- Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA)
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
- State and Local Historic Preservation laws
The sectors we serve
Land Development
Whether commercial, residential, recreational, or mixed-use land development projects, Chronicle Heritage gives you the team and the tools to assess, mitigate, manage, and comply with regulatory requirements for cultural resources.

Energy Generation and Transmission
Chronicle Heritage specializes in seamlessly and cost-effectively integrating infrastructure projects with cultural heritage preservation. From powerline corridors to solar energy and offshore wind projects, we deliver effective solutions that ensure compliance with regulations and safeguard the rich cultural heritage that may intersect these projects.

Oil and Gas
As a cultural resource management firm, Chronicle Heritage specializes in services designed for the oil and gas sector. We are experts in heritage preservation, regulatory compliance, and project consultation. We’ll partner with you to move your project forward while stewarding our shared heritage resources.

Chronicle Heritage understands the unique permitting issues faced by communications companies when projects like cellular towers and fiber optic cable installation intersect with cultural resources. We hold Master Service Agreements with a variety of communications-focused developers which allows us to quickly support your needs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Communications Sector Case Study
Conducting an Intensive Survey for a Major U.S. Carrier
Chronicle Heritage will guide public- and private-sector transportation clients through environmental planning, permitting, and construction compliance. Our services support the National Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act requirements, and include cultural resource recovery, mitigation and monitoring plans, worker environmental awareness training, and monitoring during construction.

Federal Government
Chronicle Heritage has held contracts with the federal government since 2009. As a current GSA 899 Environmental Schedule contract holder, federal agencies can quickly and easily order our services. Federal agencies can also utilize the benefits of Tribal 8(a) contracting through our partnership with PacArctic, a wholly owned subsidiary of Koniag, Inc., an Alaska Native Regional Corporation.

Federal Government Sector Case Study
Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Cultural Resources Project
State and Local Government
Chronicle Heritage has local experts across the country that will partner with state and local governments as they address cultural resource management concerns that coincide with public works projects.

State and Local Government Sector Case Study
Mapping Montgomery and its Role in the Modern Civil Rights Movement
The mining sector is both highly regulated and publicly sensitive. Chronicle Heritage can advise clients in the mining sector on compliance requirements and their influence on project management and develop implementation plans to minimize preventable compliance-related delays. We have a deep understanding of the pitfalls and concerns at each stage of the project lifecycle, and will work alongside you to take care of all your cultural resource management needs.

Mining Sector Case Study
Transformative Data Recovery Project at Eastern Nevada’s Bald Mountain Mine
Chronicle Heritage maintains strong relationships with Native American tribes across the nation and assists with Tribal Historic Preservation Office programs, Tribal Resource Management Plans (TRMPs), reservation-wide cultural resource inventories, and more.

Cultural Resource and Heritage Management Solutions for Major Projects
A partner you can count on
Every day, across the globe, Chronicle Heritage helps businesses, governments, and communities move forward while preserving our invaluable cultural, historic and heritage resources.