To our valued clients, associates, and friends:
We would like you to know that PaleoWest is adjusting our daily operations in order to keep employees safe while we continue to serve your needs. We are open for business nationwide and well positioned technologically and organizationally to adapt to the changes in our communities.
As we take all necessary steps to adjust to local conditions and comply with directives, our personnel in New York, Tallahassee, Denver, Phoenix, Austin, Santa Fe, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, and Portland remain working and productive. As we always have been, we remain available to serve you.
Having invested heavily in digital technologies for the past decade, and with a workforce and company policies that embrace teleworking, we are firmly positioned to weather the COVID-19 storm while we continue to serve our clients’ needs. PaleoWest is supported by robust, redundant, cloud-based systems that enable efficient and effective communications, including the use of Slack instant messaging, Zoom video conferencing, industry-leading digital workflow systems, and many other digital collaboration tools. While we adjust to these new circumstances, our leadership and staff remain focused on client deliverables and we remain dedicated to our client’s projects and needs.
Please stay safe, and please reach out to us at with questions, and visit us at to see how we can serve you.