We’re delighted to congratulate Eric Cox, our new Ambassador Program Manager!
Chronicle Heritage’s Ambassador Program is an exciting initiative aiming to facilitate the career advancement of high-potential staff. These staff (Ambassadors) are provided leadership opportunities to develop field technicians and temporary staff to Chronicle’s high standards while problem-solving to improve the quality of fieldwork documentation. With the addition of resources and training toward leading or guiding large or complex projects within their home region, Ambassadors ultimately contribute to improved quality across the firm and CRM industry.
Eric, currently Chronicle’s Regional Principal Investigator for the Southwest, will maintain his RPI role while taking over as Program Manager from Steve Sabatke, who has brought multiple improvements to the Ambassador Program and now pivots to focus on his role as Federal Programs Manager. As Program Manager, Eric will direct, manage, and implement the Program, spearheading a growing team of exceptional staff leaders invested in the long-term success of Chronicle Heritage and their peers in the industry.
Congratulations, Eric!